Knowing your legal duties as an insurance agent is critically important. It serves as a baseline for performance and establishing your approach to serving your customers. It is a balancing act of meeting the insurance needs of your customers while managing your agency's E&O exposure and and any increases in the required standard of care.
This survey offers more perspective into the agents E&O litigation environment and gives real-world feedback from the outstanding attorneys on the front line defending your interests. The survey was delivered to one panel counsel attorney from Swiss Re Corporate Solutions in each state. The attorneys that responded average 24 years of experience working with Swiss Re Corporate Solutions to defend policyholders. Collectively they have handled thousands of agency E&O cases. A review of the responses provides some great direction on where E&O claims may be lurking in the agency and how to avoid them.
Swiss Re policyholders have the opportunity to receive a 10% premium discount on their E&O policy annually for five years for having an approved agency E&O procedures audit and implementing recommendations. That is significant savings considering that the cost of these agency reviews is generally absorbed by the first year’s premium savings.
In this section is a collection of articles that touch on E&O related issues. From stories of huge E&O claims to technical coverage topics, these articles tackle current areas of interest to agents. If you are interested in reprinting ANY of the below articles, you must read and comply with the E&O Happens Reprint Permissions Guidelines.
Exclusive risk management information designed to help agencies of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions policy holders avoid E&O claims and improve business practices.